2019年10月 Richard Tuckett受邀访问激光化学实验室


2019年10月9日,Richard Tuckett (from University of Birmingham)受邀参观实验室!
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2019年10月10日,Richard Tuckett (from University of Birmingham)受邀作报告Memories & highlights of my early scientific career, 1975-2008 :science at 2nd generation synchrotron sources!link to details
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2019年10月16日,Richard Tuckett受邀作第二次报告Highlights of my later scientific career, 2008-2019: science at 3rd generation synchrotron sources!link to details
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2019年10月16日,Richard Tuckett受邀在激光化学课堂作第三次报告,报告标题Global Warming & Climate Change, thoughts of a Quaker Scientist: what can we do, what should we do?link to details & link to reference
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